Let's work together!

Mirror saying hello there gorgeous
Photo of Arlene Cullens
Mirror saying you're a strong, powerful, beautiful woman

Do you find yourself obsessing about food and thinking about it all the time?  

Do you think about your next meal as you're finishing one off?

Do you find, even though you've been dieting all day, you can't stop yourself diving into a family sized bag of crisps or bar of chocolate or tub of ice cream?

Are you following lots of diet rules and feel a bit lost and confused?

Do you feel sad, angry, shame for how much you eat?

Do you eat your stash of goodies privately with no one around?

Are you unhappy with what you see when you look in the mirror?

Do you feel sad with how your life revolves around food?

Do you finish everything on your plate and feel sick because you've eaten too much?

Do you run for chocolate, crisps, cake, biscuits when you're angry, sad, frustrated, overwhelmed?

Do you start eating and find it really hard to stop even though you feel full?


If any of this resonates with you, then I can 100% help you to get to a place of

No dieting.

No bingeing or emotional eating.

No overeating.

No obsessing about food. 

Having a calm and peaceful relationship around food.

Being 100% in control of food.

Accepting your body whatever its size and shape.

Feeling stronger and more empowered.

Having more success both personally and professionally.


I'm here and ready to help you, all you have to do is either book a complimentary call or email me.

I can't wait to work with you when you're ready.

With love and happiness

Arlene xx



Signature 1:1
3 Month Program

3 x 45 mins personal Zoom calls each month 
(9 calls in total); 
Meditations to help you on your journey; 
Visualisations to see your future self;  
Inner Work;
Handouts and worksheets; 
Unlimited email access when you need extra support 
or questions answered; 
My 25 years life experience, guidance, knowledge and full support. 

You're in safe hands, I've got your back!

Current Investment   
£ 895

Signature Group 
3 Month Program

6 Modules over a 3 month period; 
3 x 1:1 transformational coaching calls; 
Video workshops on every topic covered; 
Meditations to help you on your journey; 
Visualisations to see your future self; 
Lifelong access to the course work; 
Workbook as a record of your journey; 
Private Facebook community with a group of women cheering you on; 
Email support when you need questions answered - Mon-Fri, 9-4pm; 
My 25 years life experience, guidance, knowledge and full support. 

This is the BETA run being offered
 at a super discounted price of 
£ 395


Christmas scene

Melanie, Scotland

I joined Arlene in her Body Confidence Advent Experience and loved it. 

I looked forward to her daily emails which both encouraged me to explore how I feel about myself and my body and also allowed me to develop an understanding in to how we self sabotage every time we pick up a new diet or take on some other 'scheme' to make ourselves 'better'. 

We are already better and Arlene demonstrates this in an open and honest manner. 

I highly recommend Arlene as a body confidence coach. 

She is so very caring and positive and comes from a place of personal understanding which is so important in a coach as we all need someone who actually knows where we are coming from rather than a 'text book' teacher.

Christmas scene

Joan, Canada

I really enjoyed Arlene’s Body Confidence Advent Experience.

Each day I received an email with information and exercises to work through about how to change my relationship with food and my body – and more importantly, myself.

The timing of this couldn't have been better given that December is a tough month to get through when you're an emotional and binge eater.

What I really loved was that Arlene shared her own experiences of overcoming binge and emotional eating – the information shared was tried and tested and coming from someone who knew, firsthand, how to heal and learn to be calm and peaceful around food and see herself positively and with compassion.

I highly recommend coaching with Arlene as she has a wealth of knowledge to share, is passionate about helping women heal, is incredibly supportive and will help you create the relationship you’d love to have with food and your body.


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